a fighter, im not gm yet but a 86 tact, 70's swords i got to 56str.. alsoi had another fighter/mage that has similar stats.. seems its just to hard to raise the skills to gm
yes it comes to a point where ERA accurate should be canned and thrown in the river, and getting people here should be more important... ease up on the skill raise, make provo easier to raise, str dex and int easier to raise.. give uys a break... for the ..?? 5 ish people that actually play here ive ...
yeah str dex and int waise way to slow.. im like almost gmed skills and there not even close to eing 100...im talkin like 56 str when im almost gm combat skills..
kk this question is for plaers or staff, whoever wants to answer it.. how do i train provo.. i tryed training provo on 2 corpsers and that dosnt work.. WHICH it should... but how do i train it i gain like .3 provo then it stops..
pout it in big letters somewhere on the starting age the -- address uo.unreal.us and port 2593 itdosnt seem to be working though.. did i use wrong port or sumthing..?
dedicated staff would b nice.. get the shard out into the world.. nobody knows about the shard!!! get the shard name out there man.. and thats the same with server host... also once we build a small playerbas your gonna need staff that actually play...
ok theres a coupl of things that i've noticed that don't seem to add up in my mind... wraiths, specters, ect... there harder to kill han a zombie but give the same or less money ... wraiths ghostly creatures should give a lil more cashola... same as earth elementals only give 30 cash & gems it ...
im only gaining .3 skill every time i attempt to marco provo... thats music/provo.. so i cant marco provocation..?? ive done everything marco 2 monsters combine the monsters so there not all getting provoked set it at random so it randomly provokes the monsters.. nothing works... and provo is a hard ...
lol, ive been racking my brain figuring out when everyone has posted stuff and i came to the conclusion that your forum did not switch to daylight savings time lol... not that it matters give it like 4 months... but its rather annoying
humm, im not quite sure what you mean... when i train provocation i only put 1 monster provoking another monster... and it seems to only gAin me .3 provocation and sometimes music but i havnt looked as to what it gains... should i not be able to set a marco and let it run until it gets the max of ...
i believe you have a rule applied in game that prevents marcoing... im trying to marco provo and ti work for i think .3 provo and then stops... you should be able to marco skills... people like marcoing skills rather than gming provo by self clicking
ALSO, can i provo the same 2 monsters and it works until the skills is maxed 100 or the hardness of monster or is there an anti ting in place so i have to provo different animals...??
sure thing!!! heres what alot of the top UO shards are on http://www.gamesites200.com http://www.xtremetop100.com http://www.joinuo.com http://www.gtop100.com http://www.mmorpgtoplist.com http://www.jagtoplist.com http://mpogtop.com http://ultimaonline.extreme-gamerz.org http://top-game-sites.com ...
the title says it all... put this server on every site for UO all over the net!!!!!!!!!!!! seriously dude if u want people to come to ur server (i hope u do) and if u put this oin sites peoole will be here lickitly split!
ok i see you have a 'status" thingy that shows people online... unfortinatly im the only soul online.. which sucks... but i say again i really think this shard could b tops.. theres a couple other shards that have hard skill raise that are popular only because there pre uo:r and have hard skill ...
i have all of my stuff... and im 600 sumthing days old.. i donno i havnt played the shard in a bout that same amount of time and nothing has dissappeared from my account... house could be because it decayed...
hey, i have a similar patch... do u say vendor sell? or vendor buy? just making sure... other than than i cant help you much i can sell and buy pefectly